We showed shots of George dancing like how it is shown in this screen shot here. We tried to use some ideas from the actual current music video as it shows that the genre of the music is very upbeat and young.

We used close up shots of George and other girls and boys as in the Kickstarts video you see men and women close up as well as the artist. These shots were quite fast in order to go with the beat of the music representing again the genre of the music well and how upbeat the song is. We tried to keep the preliminary task quite simple which is why we copied a lot of the shots from the actual Kickstart video.

The opening of the original video starts with a shot of example taping his feet in time to the music which we thought was a really effective and professional looking shot and therefore decided to use it in our product as well. We would have liked to have been able to use the split screen shot shown above but didnt have the technology to do so and therefore decided to use different transition to make it look more professional and fun.
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